Join controlled precognition teachers and researchers Dr. Julia Mossbridge and John Vivanco in an online 4-session intensive introduction to controlled precognition (the $439 fee covers all four sessions, each 2 hours long). All classes will be videorecorded for individuals who cannot attend, and anyone enrolled will have access to the videos.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Dates are November 14 and 28 as well as December 5 and 12; all classes are from 6-8pm Pacific Time. Classes will take place on a Zoom link, which you will receive once you have registered and paid for all four classes, and all participants have registered.
IF YOU CHOOSE TO REGISTER, go to this Eventbrite link and press the “Select a time” button above and choose November 14th. That is the first class, and by registering for that class, you register for the whole series (the fee covers all four classes).
Classes will consist of lecture, discussion, Q&A, exercises, and homework.
You will learn (and be responsible for homework demonstrating) how to…
* Connect with a future target, both superficially and in greater depth.
* Disconnect from targets to keep yourself focused on the present moment.
* Use controlled precognition to sense future life directions for yourself and others.
* Nurture the relationship between your conscious and superconscious minds.
* Ethically perform controlled precognition.
* Practice controlled precognition in a way that brings joy, self-acceptance, and wisdom.
Once you complete this course you will be eligible to take Controlled Precognition 201: An Intermediate Course for Positive Precogs, in which you will learn additional methods such as matrices, consciousness maps, and physical profiling.